VDL Special Vehicles continues to innovate factory

VDL Special Vehicles continues to innovate factory

When installing the latest technologies such as electrification and hydrogen fuel cells in on- and off-road vehicles, it is naturally important to kee...
6 februari 2023
VDL Special Vehicles and Green Team Twente race together on Hydrogen

VDL Special Vehicles and Green Team Twente race together on Hydrogen

GreenTeamTwente is a multidisciplinary team of ambitious students from the University of Twente and Saxion University of Applied Sciences. They are a ...
30 januari 2023
VDL Special Vehicles doet mee!

VDL Special Vehicles doet mee!

Altijd al willen weten hoe het chassis van een elektrische bus in elkaar zit? Of hoe wij een truck elektrificeren? Hoe ver een waterstof truck kan rij...
27 januari 2023
Bezoek studenten PitstopMBO oriëntatiejaar de Rooi Pannen

Bezoek studenten PitstopMBO oriëntatiejaar de Rooi Pannen

Afgelopen donderdag hadden we een enthousiaste groep mbo-ers op bezoek. Mbo-ers van PitstopMbo oriëntatiejaar van de Rooi Pannen. 
17 januari 2023
Grootste order elektrische bussen voor VDL:  193 nieuwe generatie VDL Citea’s voor EBS

Grootste order elektrische bussen voor VDL: 193 nieuwe generatie VDL Citea’s voor EBS

Met maar liefst 193 nieuwe generatie VDL Citea’s zal EBS in december 2023 de nieuw gevormde concessie Zaanstreek-Waterland starten. De voertuigen, vol...
17 januari 2023
Belgian retailer takes next ambitious step in climate impact reduction

Belgian retailer takes next ambitious step in climate impact reduction

22 November, Colruyt Group organised its Zero Emission Transport event in Ollignies. During this event, a new hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) at the...
12 december 2022
Special V frolics in the meadow

Special V frolics in the meadow

At Stoeterij Duyselshof, our namesake Special V frolics in the meadow with mother and several friends. Especially Special V enjoys being outside and r...
5 december 2022
400 Million extra for Clean and Emission-free Building

400 Million extra for Clean and Emission-free Building

The government has identified new measures in tackling nitrogen problems. It is making an extra 400 million euros available for the Clean and Emission...
1 december 2022
VDL Special Vehicles provides chassis for urther greening of public transport by province of North Brabant and Arriva with 64 new generation VDL Citeas

VDL Special Vehicles provides chassis for urther greening of public transport by province of North Brabant and Arriva with 64 new generation VDL Citeas

In the North Brabant East concession, Arriva is expanding its fleet with 64 new electric buses from VDL Bus & Coach. Arriva is thus responding to the ...
26 oktober 2022
VDL Special Vehicles provides second life for used batteries.

VDL Special Vehicles provides second life for used batteries.

Used batteries from VDL Bus & Coach bv 's electric buses will get a new life as an energy storage system. VDL, Transdev Nederland and German energy co...
24 oktober 2022